Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My First Twins Game!

Late night Twins' Fan!

We got all bundled up!
Karrie's first game at the new field too!
Fell asleep in the carrier-I didn't even wake up when Cuddyer hit a homer!
But I woke up for the car ride home!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I am 10 Months Old!

Still a toothless smile!
I am 10 months old and have grown so much in the last month! It seems like every other day I can do something new! I am doing a goofy version of crawling-my Auntie Rebecca called it a "monkey crawl"! I love to stand and climb all over who ever sits next to me-even Mikko! (I tried to tackle him a couple times over the weekend!) Soon I will be wrestling with Dada! My pack n play is up in the family room since my parents can't walk out of the room anymore without me getting into something! Daddy came home today and was very impressed with how quick I can pull myself up on everything. (He was gone for 3 weeks in Portland OR.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Working on my blog...

Play Dates!

At the zoo with David
Tea with SophiaVisit with Auntie Rhea-Ben took this picture! Very impressive!

Benny showing me his cymbals!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I've discovered drawers...

Oh! What does this knob do?
Ahh...I'll pull all that out later...
Oh look-another knob!
Think you need to open these safety products Ma!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Major Breakthroughs This Week!

Started using my sippy cup the right way!
Started pulling myself up in the crib!

Monday, April 5, 2010

For My Daddy!

This is a video! Click on little arrow to play!

Easter Weekend!

Gimme that straw Mason!Mya-such a sweet big cousin
Lunch at Cowboy Jacks with Grandma Deb
Auntie Rebecca showing me the importance of accessorizing!
Uncle Dusty and David relaxing on the fishing boat-is summer here yet??
My Easter basket had a new chicken bowl!

With our expanding families we need a few days to celebrate a holiday! Saturday we went out to lunch with my two adoring cousins Mason and Mya! On Sunday my cousins David and Mikko came over to our house for an Easter lunch. Great weekend!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Meeting the Easter Bunny??

My parents saw in the Cub ad last week that the Easter Bunny was going to be at the grocery store from 1pm-3pm. So they dressed me up in my cute dress and bonnet and headed to the store. The "Bunny" was standing outside the front door waving as people went my classy parents handed me off and said "Here, hold our baby and we'll take our own picture!" Not exactly what I had in mind when I got all dressed up today! Happy Easter!!

My Vitamin

Here's my vitamin-from the makers of the popular formula Enfamil! It has Vitamin A, C, D and Iron...since I am not drinking any formula my Dr thought I should take this. My Mom tried it too-it tastes AWFUL!! It's "rusty pipe" flavor!