Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Goofy Cousin David

My Mom LOVES the way David says my name. He says "Ummm...Weah!" Here is a video from last week at Papa's house practicing how to smile for a picture without closing his eyes!

Seperated At Birth?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Family Fun at Crystal Frolics

Kristin and Uncle Mark
Dad and Travis
My Tent

Team Nevala
Travis and Uncle Mark
Bag 4 Mercy
Kristin-Mom-Dad-Aunt Missy

Today we participated in the Baggo tournament at Crystal Frolics. My Dad, Mom, Aunt Missy, and Kristin were on a team together called "Bag for Mercy" and my Uncle Mark and Travis were on another team called "Team Nevala" (Uncle Mark received extra points for most creative team name.) Aunt Missy made both teams fabulous T-shirts of course! My Mom didn't want me to feel left out so she did a quick iron-on this morning! Bag for Mercy didn't do so well though-they ended up in the bottom half of the 32 teams but Team Nevala ended up in the top half-and almost beat last year's winner! I stayed in a little tent out of the sun,wind, and drizzle? It was a very confusing afternoon of weather! My cousins Mason and Mya showed up with Uncle Mark's parents and sister to help cheer the two teams on. It was a lot of fun to spend the day with all those Nevalas!

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am 1 month old!

I thought my older, more experienced cousin Sophia had a great idea of taking a picture every month on the same chair so you could see how fast I'm growing! So here I am at one month on the big, comfy glider in my bedroom. At one month I am smiling back at my parents when they are right in my face (most of the time.) I can lift my head up off my Mom's chest and turn it the other way (it's still shaky but Mom's right there in case it gets too heavy!) At night I get swaddled so that I sleep better and I'm sleeping in 3-4 hour increments. My Dad left for Ohio this morning-the same place he was trying to work when I decided to make my arrival! My Mom and I will be together all week-he is due back Friday night. My Mom is planning all kinds of outings for us to get us out of the house-hopefully she'll be able to get a shower in everyday!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just an Observation...

My parents took me shopping at Target tonight and I sat in my car seat in the cart. While my Dad was pushing me, my Mom would wander off down an aisle. When it was just Dad and I 3 different women came up telling him how cute I was-when Mom was with us no one came by to comment on how wonderful I am. I am DEFINITELY only shopping with my Dad from now on!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm a Blogger...

My Aunt Rebecca and Papa Lee said I HAD to get a blog started so here I am...I am already coming up on 4 weeks old this Saturday. I am finally fitting into my "newborn" size clothes now! I have the cutest outfits people have brought me and until recently they have been hanging in my closet. My Mom was never one to gush, but now she pulls them out and squeals over them. She and my Dad are complete photography nuts and will probably be posting their fine work all over this blog-I can't blame them for shoving their camera in my face all the time...I AM really adorable! Plus they just bought a new camera that doesn't hesitate 5 seconds when you press the shutter button-finally some pictures with my eyes open! They are constantly laughing at me because I make tons of goofy grunting noises all day-they call me Baby Hulk when I'm trying to get out of my swaddle! Dad's really good at swaddling though and I haven't been able to break out of one yet...