Monday, July 20, 2009

I am 1 month old!

I thought my older, more experienced cousin Sophia had a great idea of taking a picture every month on the same chair so you could see how fast I'm growing! So here I am at one month on the big, comfy glider in my bedroom. At one month I am smiling back at my parents when they are right in my face (most of the time.) I can lift my head up off my Mom's chest and turn it the other way (it's still shaky but Mom's right there in case it gets too heavy!) At night I get swaddled so that I sleep better and I'm sleeping in 3-4 hour increments. My Dad left for Ohio this morning-the same place he was trying to work when I decided to make my arrival! My Mom and I will be together all week-he is due back Friday night. My Mom is planning all kinds of outings for us to get us out of the house-hopefully she'll be able to get a shower in everyday!