Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update on our birds...

Sad to report the birds are no longer here! We had 3 eggs as of Monday and on Tuesday morning there was only 1! Birds usually abandon their nests if predators have disrupted it. We are very sad because we were looking forward to watching the babies hatch and grow up! Although we did manage to learn a lot about Robins in the couple weeks they were staying outside the window!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Our New Neighbors!

We are so excited that a family of robins have built a house right outside our window! We watched them build the nest last weekend and this weekend there are 2 eggs!

Daddy has aimed our web cam out the window so we can see what is going on without disrupting the nest! Mom gets very anxious when the robins leave the eggs and don't come back...which is happening often! We've read it can take 10-14 days until the babies hatch-we'll post pictures when they come!

Easter Sunday

We celebrated Easter at home today with Uncle Damon, Aunt Rebecca, David and Mikko-Grandma Carol and Great Uncle Bob-Uncle Dusty-Aunt Rebecca's sister Carrie and her two kids Bobby and Greta! Everyone brought a dish to share and enjoyed the great weather!
We also celebrated Auntie Rebecca's birthday...the three cousins waiting on cake!

Carrie-Aunt Rebecca-Mommy (Taken by Bobby-9 years old!)

Uncle Dusty rode his bike all the way from Minneapolis

Cookie decorating-David and Greta

The icing on these cookies are delicious!

Mmmmm...What a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Am 22 Months Old!

I am 22 months old now! I attempt to repeat what ever you ask me to-my parents have to be very conscience of their language now! (They think that's bull shit!) I was so excited to get outside and be on my tree swing and take walks again! Can't wait for Spring to finally get here permanently!
My parents say "Show your teeth!" for pictures...This is the result!
Mom has trimmed the back of my hair twice so far, still waiting for the front to catch up!

I like to sit in our front window and wave good bye!

My parents like to come by the window and wave too!

There goes Daddy...Bye Bye Daddy!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sleep Over at Mason and Mya's House!

Auntie Missy
Uncle Marky giving double piggy back rides!

Mason giving me rides in his truck!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Elmo Crush!

My Mom bought me a singing and dancing Elmo! I love him so much. We also bought a new sit and ride truck that Elmo and I cruise around on!

Monday, April 11, 2011

David's First Skating Show!

David (4 and a half) took skating lessons this winter and was part of a skate show to show off his mad skills! He is the fastest skater ever!! The loud music scared me!
Love that zamboni!
David may not be dressed like one, but he is a hockey player!

Sophia's 3rd Birthday!

Sophia showing us 3 fingers! She was so happy that everyone came to her party!
David and Mikko had lunch with me
Checking out all of Sophia's new presents!