Thursday, November 26, 2009


My first Thanksgiving was spent at home with Daddy's family! We had my Great Grandma Sally in town from Starbuck, my Grandma Deb and Papa Rob, my Great Uncle
Kent, my Aunt Missy and Uncle Mark and cousins Mason and Mya!
My parents did a great job on dinner this year-a tad later than expected though! I didn't try any mashed potatoes but I did try a dollop of my Dad's pumpkin pie! We were so busy in the kitchen that by the time pictures were taken everyone was so groggy they didn't make my bloggy!
(Check out Mya who did a face plant and slept right in the middle of the floor!)

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm 5 months old!

I'm sitting just fine propped up...

My head is just a little too heavy still...

And I topple over...
Baby Booty!

I'm 5 months old today! I am still sleeping through the night and taking 2-3 good naps during the day. I have discovered all the noises I can make and enjoy babbling all day long. (Have yet to discover the joys of screaming!) I roll over on my terms and only then! My Mom thinks she'll get it on video tape but I'm not allowing it! Once I rolled over to my tummy in one fluid motion like I've been doing it for months! I eat some rice cereal here and there but soon my Mom is going to start making her own fresh baby food for me to eat! It will taste so much better than the store brands! She even has a recipe for me called Salmon Surprise she's eager to try! Next week at Thanksgiving maybe they'll let me try some mashed potatoes-I hear it was my Dad's favorite when he was my age!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Daddy and I Skype!

Since my Dad is still in Ohio-our family has been Skyping before I go to bed! It's a video phone call between 2 computers. Poor Daddy is so home sick-it has been 2 weeks and he's not due back for another 3-4 days. At least we can see each other while we're apart! Great free technology-all you need is a web cam! Dad took these pictures of his laptop and emailed them to my Mom!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

David and Mikko Visit

Mikko's just chillin' in the pink Bumbo

My Mom felt so accomplished today watching all 3 kids!

We tried to watch the movie "Up" but it really wasn't right for David's age!

"Skol Vikings Let's Go!"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Giggled!

My Dad got a video of me laughing when he tickled me while my Mom was at work on Monday-it was the first time I giggled! (Mom was very jealous.) Today Dad left for Ohio for 2 weeks so Mom now has her own video of me laughing! Instructions for Grandparents: This is a video-click on little arrow to play!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Was Born A Sports Fan...

Instructions to Grandparents: This is a video-click on little arrow to start

I Love the Vikes!

We watched the Vikes sweep the poor Packers at my cousin Sophia's house-there were even actual Packer fans there! (Hee Hee!) It was Great! My Dad loves that Percy Harvin!