Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dear Gaga...

 Dear Gaga-As much as I love bubbles...please do not buy the ones that say "MESSY FUN"! In fact my Mom thinks maybe anything that says MESSY FUN is on the "do not buy" list!
Warning! Do not blow fuchsia bubbles on bride in white gown!
Thanks Gaga! I love you, Love Leah XOXO


  1. Glad you tried them out before we did!

  2. So Sorry! I bet that is why they were on sale!! I'll try to read the label next time. It looks like I owe you some cute pink clogs.
    Love you Leah -- Gaga

  3. Ha! No Gaga all shoes and clothes are fine! No worries just found it humorous!

  4. That is too funny, we opened those today too. Pink bubbles, total mess on our deck, good thing the rain washed it all away! not everything pink is a good idea!
