Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday!

I planted jelly beans in this flower pot...
and on Easter morning lollipops had grown!
I was so excited to see my lollipops I walked around a trail of jelly beans from my room up to the family room all morning! Mom and Dad had to point the trail out to me!
The Easter Bunny had left me a trail right to my Easter basket! It was hidden behind the Papa chair!
Playing an after lunch game with everyone! Gaga and Robert Dean were here. Uncle Dusty and Erin came. Uncle Damon, Rebecca, David, and Mikko and The Frasers were here too!
Uncle Dusty and Erin bought all the kids Easter treats and in keeping with our toys that poop (Doggie Doo-Doo from Xmas) they gave me a chicken that poops eggs!
Gaga, Dusty, and Erin
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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