Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Baptism

Great gift idea from my Aunt Christine's business! My cute little booty will be proudly branded with my name! http://dazzlingdiapers.com

On Sunday I was baptised at Elim Luthern Church in Robbinsdale. I didn't even cry-even though my parents were certain I would...where's the FAITH? It was a beautiful service and afternoon! My Godparents Brian and Danice Elhard have been Sperstad fans for many years...Brian was home from Iraq on a 2 week leave-it was the first time we met! And my Godmother Danice did a fabulous job getting me to sleep (and quiet) right before I had to be in front of the church!


  1. Hey Mandy,
    Send me a picture with Leah in her diapers & I'll put it on our website. She'll be a star.

  2. You know I will Christine-it's almost too pretty to open though!!

  3. I know, it's fun to look at in the package. There are 3 sizes in there, 1, 2 & 3's, so she can wear them for the next year. Sophia wears size 3 right now.
