Friday, December 14, 2012

A Christmas Present For Mommy!

 Today at school, when the Mommies picked us up, we had a Christmas present for them! 
 I was so excited for Mommy to see what it was!
 I made this for you! I brought a little tear to Mommy's eye today...she said it was because she was happy! She says I'm growing soooo fast!
 It's homemade potpourri! It smells like Christmas in a jar! We simmered it on the stove and the house smelled so wonderful!
Mommy loved the little message attached which was a quote by Mister Rogers...
"Those handmade presents that children often bring home from school: They have so much value! The way we parents respond to the giving of such gifts is very important. To the child the gift is really self, and they want so much for their selves to be acceptable, to be loved."

1 comment:

  1. Leah - what a wonderful gift for mom! You are such a loving and giving little girl. Don't ever lose that spirit!
