Sunday, December 9, 2012

Icy Freezy Snow Party!

 All day I kept telling everyone we were having an "Icy-Freezy-Snow-Party!"
 I had so much fun jumping and rolling and walking through the fresh snow!
 Had a hot chocolate break...called Gaga to make sure she had snow at her house too!
 Back out for more...I was all about sitting in the snow!
 Mom and I sat and ate a snowball like an apple! We compared fresh snow to yellow snow in the yard! There's a HUGE difference!
Mom could only get me inside by bribing me with a hot bath!

1 comment:

  1. Leah (Snow Princess)
    So glad you love the snow... and have learned the difference between clean white snow and yellow snow for eating purposes!! I hope I can play in the snow with you soon.
