Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We Love Halloween!

 Polka Dot Puppy-Kermit-Miss Piggy!
Mommy had so much fun dressing Daddy up as Miss Piggy! I kept pointing him out to our neighbors when they came to the door! "Look at Daddy!"
 I have been so excited for Trick or Treating! We have been practicing all week! I was very nice and remembered to say "Thank You" almost every time!
Daddy was getting A LOT of attention from the neighbors-even a passing car had to stop and comment on him! What a fun Daddy I have!
 Miss Piggy loves her Kermie!
 My favorite neighbor Kathy was so excited to see us!
 This house had a scary guy in the window-very cool!
 Once again Gaga came over to pass out treats at our house while we were gone! She found an old witches costume in her garage-it was actually a kid sized costume, but she rocked it anyway!
This year we lit up our stairs to the looked so much better than last year!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween tonight!

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